From their living room, Helen Hall and her husband, Reg, look out across the fairway at The National. “A lovely view,” Helen says. There are a lot of lovely’s in Helen’s daily life. The golf course. Friends. The weather. Her accent. Close your eyes and listen to Helen and you can imagine sitting in a pub in the city of her youth: Yorkshire, England. She’s maintained the accent through 19 moves with Reg.

“Six weeks after we were married, we moved to Paris,” Helen says. “Then Holland, Belgium, Hong Kong … I was one of those wives who was always willing to try something new. Now we have friends all over the world.”

Actually, the Halls have friends from all over the world right here at Reynolds. Helen helped start the Reynolds International Club two years ago for Members who were born in another country or who have lived at least six months abroad. The club has grown from a group of 20 to more than 250 Members representing 38 countries. They gather to share stories, languages and “nibbles,” as Helen calls them.

“Being together reminds all of us how exciting it is to move around the world,” she says.

That said, Reg and Helen have no desire for a 20th move. Now she can look across the fairway to another side of the world.

“Our friends from Holland, the VanStekelenbergs, live right over there. Isn’t that lovely?”

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