MyReynoldsTV has proven to be a resourceful platform for Reynolds Members to stay fully engaged and connected, even from a distance.

Since its debut on April 1st, Members have visited the site 14,105 times, finding a variety of videos with topics including golf tips, happy hour recipes, workouts, and culinary classes—all easily done at home. Popular programs such as Sandy Creek Sessions and the Linger Longer Living Series (LLLS) have transitioned seamlessly to the virtual format, providing Members with the familiarity of their favorite programming from their living rooms.

One program recently offered was a four-part Virtual Writers Workshop. Led by accomplished writer Clara Silverstein, author of the historical novel "Secrets in a House Divided" and four non-fiction books, the class guided Members in starting a reflective journal.

For Reynolds Member Dale Hosack, the Writers Workshop was much appreciated. “The class came at the perfect time, helping fill the extra time I had at home” he said. “I’ve often times thought I was a good writer and having a real author such as Clara critique my work was a good way to measure my writing skills.”

The Linger Longer Living Series – led by Marie Garrison – was launched in 2006 and features between 75 and 100 programs in a typical year. When the cancellation of in-person events forced an adaptation, Marie approached Clara in early April about redesigning the Writers Workshop virtually via the MyReynolds.TV platform. They quickly went to work and soon came up with a new structure for the four sessions, each with a video introduction, reading material, and a writing assignment.

“I’d previously taught an in-person writing workshop, “Telling Your Story,” at Reynolds in March,” Clara recalls. “When the pandemic struck suddenly, I thought writing could help provide a path for people to navigate it and express themselves.”

The class quickly filled to capacity, with twenty Members journaling their thoughts each week on a variety of topics.

Clara recalls that a range of responses were shared. “Some Members talked about the difficulties of isolation from family members and the strange “new normal” for an everyday task such as grocery shopping, while others focused on their gratitude and spiritual beliefs.”

Upon completing their last essay, Clara encouraged the class to submit their work to the Journal of Expressive Writing, an online literary journal that publishes both established and emerging writers.

Dale accepted the challenge by submitting his essay, ‘The Day the Ball Stopped Moving.’ To his surprise while thumbing through the June issue, he was shocked to see his essay published!

“Having my essay published was definitely a wow moment for me personally,” Dale says. “I can proudly check that accomplishment off my bucket list!

For Members hoping to join the next writing workshop with Clara, she is scheduled to come back to Reynolds next March for an in-person workshop.

Author Clara Silverstein visiting Reynolds in March.

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